rails to historic southwest spain & portugal

all prices & options are per person

2025 - tour - pricing

Year - 2025

Departure Date - 5

Return Date - 15

This Tour Is Open -

Tour Type - Tourist/railfan tour

$2,945 - Double Room Occupancy

$995 - Single Room Supplement

$1,000 - Deposit To Hold Space

Final Payment Due By - dec 5, 2024

2025 - tour - Details

about this tour

Our tour will be taking in the passenger railways from Madrid down to Zafra and visiting some of Spain’s most important historic locations, including some that are well off the beaten track. We also slip into Portugal to visit a town built on a hill and fortified as a defensive measure against attacks from Spain.We stay at top quality hotels, including the Paradors in Mérida (a former 18th century convent), Zafra (a majestic castle, formerly the palace of the Dukes of Feria) and Plasencia (the stunning 15th century Santo Domingo Monastery) and in Caceres at the 16th century Oquendo Palace.

For rail fans we cover the passenger lines between Madrid and Zafra, using the high-speed line south from Madrid to Puertollano where we catch a broad-gauge train along the sparsely served line westwards to Mérida. As well as the other main lines from Mérida south to Zafra and north to Plasencia and eventually back to Madrid on this classic route, we have the opportunity to take in the branch from Caceres to Valencia de Alcántara, served by only three trains per week! A new high-speed line, Spain’s first broad-gauge high-speed line, has been built alongside the classic line, and we will use this new line along the stretches that have been opened. We also include a visit to the Rio Tinto Mine Museum, south of Zafra, with its own railway, which of course we will travel on. At this time of the year the weather will be very comfortable.

2025 - tour - Itinerary

day by day - Itinerary

Day 1 - wed mar 5

We will be offering both flight and rail options for travelling to Madrid. We will meet up at our hotel near Atocha station for the first night.

🍽 none

Day 2 - thur mar 6

Leaving Madrid, we head south on the high-speed line to the town of Puertollano. Here we join a train on the very scenic, but sparsely served, classic line heading westwards to our base for the next two nights, the UNESCO listed town of Mérida. This line meanders through rolling countryside with few settlements of any great size, so it is easy to understand why the eastern end of the line has only two trains per day. We soon find ourselves following the River Guadiana into Mérida, and have a brief view of the Roman Circus, one of many Roman remains in Mérida, a town founded by the Romans in the 1st century B.C. Mérida station is an important railway junction, with lines from four directions (north, south, east and west) all crossing here, though the line from Puertollano is the only route to enter the station on the eastern approach. We arrive at the parador mid-afternoon, so you will have free time to enjoy the facilities in the parador or begin exploring the town. The parador is very well-located for the historic centre. Over the course of its history, the building that now houses Mérida Parador has had different uses, including as a convent, a hospital, an asylum and even a jail. Today it still houses historical remains dating back 2000 years. The interior cloister and Jardín de Antigüedades (Garden of Antiquities), a collection of Mudejar, Roman and Visigothic archaeological pieces, are both truly fascinating locations. The Parador stands in a peaceful square decorated with orange trees. Welcome dinner in the parador.

🍽 breakfast, dinner

Day 3 - fri mar 7

Our guided tour will begin inside the parador, as it is an important historic building in its own right. From here we will walk around Mérida’s historic sights which you will be able to visit later in your free time (most are included in the Monuments Pass), but the highlight of the tour is the visit to the Roman theatre and amphitheatre. We can also find a 792-meter-long Roman bridge over the River Guadiana, the Temple of Diana and the Aqueduct of Los Milagros. The National Museum of Roman Art, with over 36,000 exhibits from the local area, is well-work visiting. Another highlight is the Alcazaba, a 9th century Muslim fortification, the best-preserved example in Spain. We will visit the theater and amphitheater as part of the morning guided walk, and the afternoon will be free so that you can visit the other historic sites at your own pace. Dinner is included tonight.

🍽 breakfast, dinner

Day 4 - sat mar 8

Today we have a free morning for final explorations in Mérida and after lunch we catch a train south to Zafra. Zafra Parador will be our home for the next two nights. The building was originally a majestic castle dating from the 15th century and is itself one of the highlights of the holiday, with well-appointed rooms, a swimming pool and a beautifully maintained garden. Many of the rooms face onto an attractive inside courtyard, as being a former castle, the outer walls do not have many windows! Dinner in the Parador tonight.

🍽 breakfast, dinner

Day 5 - sun mar 9

A very full day today, as we head south from Zafra by coach to visit the Rio Tinto Mining Park. We will spend the day visiting the different sections of the park-museum, including the train that runs through incredible landscapes, a river unique in the world for the colour and composition of its waters, a territory that shows the traces of 5,000 years of mining activity, a museum full of cultural heritage jewels, a house that transports us to Victorian England … even a walk on another planet, Mars, without leaving Earth! Today’s train will be diesel-hauled, travelling the full length of the line. Lunch in a local restaurant is included and dinner is in the parador.

🍽 breakfast, lunch, dinner

The rio tinto mining museum has alot of old railroad equipment and locomotives
and we will ride a diesel tourist train into the mine

Day 6 - mon mar 10

We have a free morning to explore Zafra. Look out for the attractive Plaza Grande and the Plaza Chica. After time for lunch, we return to Zafra station for our train to Caceres. On arrival in Caceres, we transfer to our hotel, and after time to settle, there is time to explore the historic centre. With sunset at around 7 pm, the old town is illuminated, and looks quite splendid. Though it was founded by the Romans, we can still see architecture of many other cultures that occupied the city, including the Moorish city walls and Renaissance and Gothic architecture. The town can really be divided into three – the ancient walled town, the old town just outside the wall and centred on the Plaza Mayor with the typical narrow, winding streets, and the modern town that has grown over the years. There are many restaurants within easy walking distance of the hotel.

🍽 breakfast

Day 7 - tue mar 11

Today we visit Trujillo by coach, on the Route of the Conquistadors, and once again accompanied by Javier. Highlight is Trujillo Castle, built in the 13th century on the site of an Arab fortress at the highest part of the town. It also boasts an important group of churches and manor houses near the central Plaza Mayor. This part of Spain is famous for its wine and Iberian ham, and we will stop off at a local winery for a visit and the chance to taste some of their wine.

🍽 breakfast

Day 8 - wed mar 12

Portugal calls today, as we travel west over the border to the hilltop village of Marvão, on the highest point of the Serra de São Mamede, overlooking the Spanish border. Only accessible from the east, due to steep slopes on the other sides, it played a fundamental role in major military conflicts, including the fight between the king D. Dinis and his brother D. Afonso (1299), the Dynastic Crisis of 1383-85, the Wars for the Restoration of Independence (1640-68), the War of Spanish Succession (1704-12) and the Peninsular Wars (1807-11). Inside the walled village you find a fascinating small town, and spectacular views in all directions. Marvão railway station used to be the border station on the line used by the international Lusitania train until it was withdrawn and the line closed over a decade ago. However, the Spanish side of this line is still open, albeit with a very limited service, and we shall catch a train back to Caceres from the station on the Spanish side of the border, Valencia de Alcántara. Lunch in a hotel in Marvão is included today.

🍽 breakfast, lunch

Day 9 - thur mar 13

We head north mid-morning to our final historic town, Plasencia, a walled market town. It is best known for the 12th century double line of walls, including 68 towers and six gates. We can also see the remains of a Roman aqueduct, and, in the old quarter, palaces, ancestral homes and magnificent cathedrals. Our home for the next two nights is Plasencia Parador, located in an old convent and renowned for its excellent food. The building is quite stunning, and it is a fitting location to end our tour of historic South-West Spain. After arriving, you will have time to relax and enjoy the Parador or explore the small historic centre. There are several restaurants in its attractive square. Dinner in the Parador.

🍽 breakfast, dinner

Day 10 - fri mar 14

A more relaxing day to finish, but we will still explore some of the area’s history. Joined by Javier for the last time, our coach will take us first to Yuste Monastery. This Hieronymite monastery was founded in 1408-1414 under the patronage of the Infante Ferdinand, brother to Henry III. It has one gothic and one renaissance cloister, both still standing since the church was built in 1508-1525. Under the Confiscation Law of 1836, the complex was sold and began to fall into disrepair until it was purchased in 1857 by the Marquis of Mirabel who began to restore it and opened a new church on the site. We then move on to the charming village of Garganta de Olla, to see very well-preserved examples of popular architecture and some buildings that date back to the days of the emperor, such as the brothel used by his soldiers. We return to Plasencia to give you time to explore the historic center a little more or simply enjoy the ambience and facilities of this stunning Parador. Farewell Dinner in the Parador.

🍽 breakfast, dinner

Day 11 - sat mar 15

This morning our coach takes us to the out-of-town station at Monfrague where your guide will see you off on your fast train to Madrid Chamartín and end of the tour.

🍽 breakfast


Tour Pricing:

All tour prices are subject to change without notice, at any time. All prices based on double room occupancy. Those people that use a credit card for payments a 3% conveyance fee (The 3% fee has been suspended until further notice) will be added to the tour price. We reserve the right to change tour prices if necessary without prior notice.